Things are NOT back to normal

Entropy is when nature has a lack of order or predictabiity and where things gradually decline into disorder. It is a measure of of uncertainty or randomness. We have just surpassed a year of being in lockdown due to ‘the virus’. So much has changed and we have had to adapt to the perceived chaos that it has brought about. One thing that many people have connected with again, is their humanity. They started new hobbies and added more skills to their repertoire. Now, as adults, we have managed to deal with or, at least, accept a level of constant change, stress and unpredictability that is part-and-parcel with ‘adulting’. Some exercise, some search for an adrenaline rush, some have drinks, and others become reclusive and make the most of their solitude. Younger humans, have yet to explore what works for them as their coping mechanisms. I can’t speak for everyone but I can give a perspective on dance. As humans, we breathe, move & create as a part of our human-ness. By extension we make music, write, draw, paint and often, dance. Dance is a part of what makes us evolved human beings and it is accepted that the more advanced a civilisation is, the more of an appreciation for the arts it has. At Dance Culture Studios we take pride in having professional, qualified, experienced and world-class instruction. But the majority of people wanting to dance don’t want to be the best in the world - or even in Mzansi. They want to connect with themselves and others and learn to express themselves in an environment that is accepting and non-judgemental. We provide that too. Many people come dance after work to unwind and to de-stress from the pressures of life; Be it work, running a home, growing a business… I can give you many testimonials about how dance has helped young people. I could tell you about a girl who’s self-esteem was so low that she couldn’t look up and make eye contact. However, after a while, her posture straightened as her confidence increased to the point that she makes eye contact with confidence.

Or, I could tell you about the boy who was classified as ADHD and called disruptive in class, but used his dance classes to release all his pent up creativity and energy. This impacted him so much that teachers noticed a marked improvement in his behaviour after only a few weeks. There are stories of how children ‘acted up’ after coming back to school after being (relatively) isolated for months while doing online schooling. But after learning how to have fun with friends in a safe, accepting, environment they dealt with that trauma and ‘danced out their frustrations’. There are countless more stories like these. Dance is one way to deal with entropy in the universe and we can see it as a negative occurs ce, but we can also choose to see it as nature trying to find its balance. Yes, we love good, quality dancing but there’s so much more to what we do. We connect and reconnect people to themselves and each other - and that’s beautiful to watch.
Written by Quintus Jansen